Friday, April 26, 2024

Why your favourite colour is probably blue

Thursday, March 14, 2024

How to find hidden cameras in hotels and house rentals: We tested five ways — and one’s the clear winner

RSS Anything: Transform any old website with a list of links into an RSS Feed

Tips to help you look better in photos: Photos influence the way we see the world — and ourselves. These tips can help you control the way you look on camera.

A Knife Forged in Fire: The author wanted a Japanese-style kitchen blade made for him by hand. What he witnessed was a combination of artistry and atomic magic.

Nursing Home Inspect: Search over 90,000 nursing home inspection reports to look for trends or patterns, evaluate nursing homes near you and compare nursing homes by state.

17 Small Changes That Will Make Your Writing Irresistible, According to an NYU Writing Professor: Get right to the point, be specific, and make sure to find your own voice.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The 27 Best Decluttering Tips of All Time: Once the extra, unnecessary stuff is deleted, only the best is left.

The Forgotten Art of Squatting Is a Revelation for Bodies Ruined by Sitting: In much of the world, squatting is as normal a part of life as sitting in a chair.

How to Brush Your Teeth Properly, According to a Dentist

Why short-sightedness is on the rise

Your Section-by-Section Guide to Storing Foods in the Fridge, From the Upper Shelves to the Crisper Drawers: Where you store your food can impact how long it stays fresh and reduce your risk of cross contamination.

Tour Amazon's dream home, where every appliance is also a spy: Here's everything Amazon learns about your family, your home and you